The Netty Particle Map


Mark William Miller

AD 2025

(D55 Age of Aquarius)

The UAP I Saw


Before I go into details of the Netty Particle Map, I wanted to set the stage for the conversation in the first place.

On a trip to the States in 2023, I stayed with my sister in Chicago during the Air and Water Show. It was an incredible weekend—wandering the city, watching the Blue Angels scream overhead trying to figure out where they were in the canyons of the city, and catching the Cubs beat Philly 8-7 in a game where the lead changed hands three times.

And somehow they managed to get the Blue Angel pilots to Wrigley by the seventh inning stretch.

The day after the show ended, I was standing on my sister’s patio, about a mile west of Wrigley Field. An F-35 was howling around above the suburbs to the west, and I joked that the pilot must be flying around saying, “Where is everybody?”

The sky was perfectly clear—no clouds, no haze—and I noticed a small black dot moving slowly from west to east. It caught my attention because it just hung there, drifting across the sky, in no rush, but also with no recognizable characteristics or purpose. The F-35 gave a great reference perspective—this thing was much higher up.

Over the next 30–45 minutes, I watched it get closer.

As it approached, I could start to make out some features. I remember saying to my sister that it looked like a geodesic weather balloon that had seen better days—patched together in odd places, warped, and imperfect. Whatever it was, it didn’t match anything I could readily identify.

Then, when it was about three-quarters of the way across my sky, my sister, who had been watching with me, suddenly said:

“It must be an invasive species.”

I looked at her and laughed. “What?”

But she wasn’t looking up anymore—she was staring at the floor of the patio.

When I followed her gaze, I saw a shiny, green, winged beetle scuttling across the ground.

Not interesting! I immediately looked back up.

But the black dot was gone.

It would’ve had to accelerate beyond anything imaginable to leave my field of view that fast. There was no trace of it—no contrail, no lingering image, nothing.

We did not imagine that. And in that moment, I joined the ranks of people who have seen something inexplicable with the naked eye—like Jimmy Carter.

I found no evidence online of anyone else seeing this

A few months later, I was watching a documentary, one of those deep dives into UAP sightings. Amid the dizzying displays of videos captured around the world, one image was eerily like what I’d seen.

My sorry weather balloon writ larger.

I’ve been convinced for some time that UAPs are projections, not physical ships. Show me some wreckage, I’ll reconsider.

Some UAPs clearly disregard Newton entirely.

One of my favorite memes on Facebook was “2020 was so bad, the government officially acknowledged UFOs, and no one cared.” When I saw those images, I thought cats and laser pointers.

I’m certain as certainty knows, I know what they are, how they’re being generated, and why.

And what we have to do about it.

Interested yet?

UAPs make sense when you rethink reality itself. I believe the universe operates like a vast neural network—what I call the Netty Particle Map. It’s a better way to understand intelligence, physics, and our place in it.

Brevity is the soul of wit, and all that, is challenged here. So, I will not offer the deeper defense of this model and will simply state it as fact. Since I believe it to be, that should be easy. And short.


The Netty Particle Map

In a sentence, The Universe is a Neural Net.

The Netty Particle Map shows the Universal evolution as a refined map based on classes of particles with specific behaviors.

The seven layers of Netty:

1.         White Space – The Entanglement of Thought

2.         Black Space – The Gravitational Floor

3.         Blue Space – The Brain of God

4.         Red Space – The Realm of Matter

5.         Green Space – The Domain of Life

6.         Yellow Space – Life’s Tools

7.         Orange Space – Human Computer Technology

Like the Hindu Six-God pantheon, the seven layers are operation all the time, and the summation of behavior seen by our eyes is the collective impact of each of the layer’s behaviors.

No need for more at this level of genericity.

Two Fundamental Forces

All this model is enclosed in the fundamental observation that there are two essential forces (fields) at work in the Universe. Both have their own singular characteristics; the energy field that seeks wave out to zero (to become unspun), and the Plate Spinner force that seeks to spin it into particles.


At its cored, the Universe is a symmetry breaking engine. Never the same twice.

The 'Plate Spinner' force, Sentience, constantly seeks to break the symmetry of the energy (best thought of as continuous). It is the force that quantizes the energy field into particles, lots and lots of particles. Each one is a little different from the other, this is a fundamentally asymmetric house we live in.

But that is a simple force view, The Dao formalized by the mathematical rigor of Newton. This is not a theory it is basic observations of all that is about us.

What we need, though, is a Particle Map that makes it easy understand and so to reap the engineering rewards.

Can’t have that. But I offer a cool blue explanation that will take mankind up the next step in our quest to talk to God.

Welcome to the year D55 in Age of Aquarius. The ‘D’ is for digital.

God 1.0 v. God 2.0

This a hard-core Intelligent Design thesis. Netty is the ‘being’, and Sentience is the force that drives it to be.

There is no conflict with our religious ideas here—that whole conversation is what I call God 1.0. It is a personal view.

Religion is not about the fact of a Sentient universe; it is about what you do with the information.

It is time for the God 2.0 conversation. This time, it’s technical. It is an informational approach, not a mathematical one.

Netty’s Seven Layers

1. White Space: The Entanglement of Thought

The White Space is the engine of change—the foundational layer where arrow of time originates, and energy as we know it, is set spinning. It is the space where the Plate-Spinner force initiates spin in the energy field.

To apply a spin, tap the plate with a discreet pulse in the right direction. Keep doing it, it spins faster. Basic playground principles.

There is a structure in White Space, but the particles are best modeled on/off notion of binary. And depending upon their configuration, they pulse in different directions and intensities.

I will forego explanation of how that works, but an essential inspiration for how I would do that can be found in John Conway’s Game of Life.

This is beautiful, too:

The first is a Boolean encoded rule set, the second has a mathematical one. White Space has the Boolean characteristic.

This space has the smallest things that can be, and it is not built in the Energy Field. Its structures are immune to anything that happens in the traditional realm or energy.

Like the spoon is immune to the soup when stirring it.

It is this space you will find the phenomenon we call Entanglement. Simply put, it is cause and effect like everything else, it just communicates the change much faster than energy can.

2. Black Space: The Gravitational Floor

The White Space gives rise to the Black Space, where energy spins begin to lock into stable, repetitive patterns. These alternating spins create simple particles that interlock like gears, forming the gravitational "floor" of the universe.

They operate on independently in the three dimensions.

The Black Space acts as a gravitational container, slowing energy waves into a balanced, stable state—allowing further evolution.

Once spinning, it stays spinning, once waving, it stays waving…until something stops it. Newton 101.

The energy trapped in the Black Space gravity is in a "Goldilocks" state, where the spins and waves are perfectly balanced.

3. Blue Space: The Brain of God

Once the Black Space is fully formed, the stability allows it to act as the stage for the next layer of complexity to emerge, the Blue Space.

The Blue Space is the computational core of the universe, the Brain of God. This is where the universe begins to "think." It is the initial arena of sapience, the ability to reason. The relationship between the White Space and the Blue Space is strikingly intimate when contemplated—like seeing the universe stripped of its heated veil, or as Sheldon Cooper put it: 'It’s like looking at the universe naked.'

Blue Space particles are simply concentric spins of energy, each shell can spin independently of the other shells in the particle. The simplest particle there can be, is a single shell of spinning energy on one axis.

And since they are all different, some have greater affinities for one another, and so sometimes as they wandering around, they get stuck together. Sometimes with tight binds, sometimes with weak ones.

Some particles have so many spinning shells all different that they don’t stick to the vast majority of the other Blue Particles. I call these Chaos Particles. The more concentric shells a particle has the more chaotic it becomes.

In the Blue Space, driven by the pulses of disturbance from the of the White Space, particles form into asymmetric chains.

This fabric forms as a cyclic graph of these chains; where they form nodes.

Some particles move around and the collect into streams flowing along, guided by, but not binding to, the tangle of the fabric.

These particle streams are led by chaos particles, dragging behind them other particles that travel a little slower because they are simpler, and more likely to find affinity in the environment. In the stream, however, they constitute an asymmetric pattern.

These particle trains slam into the walls of the node, alter its internal structure and reradiate outward.

Now you have stateful nodes, connected by information-bearing arcs.

And then you get a neural net!

This neural Brain of God does what neural nets do, what they are trained to do. And this one is trained to break symmetry.

This is the essence of the whole model. It is the big break from the scientific opinions I’ve heard all my life.

It reduces all questions about how we got to be here to coding questions. How are the algorithms of form implemented?

Spirit Force and The Turing Dust Bunnies

Free floating segments of the fabric can become Spirit Force enabled. That is, although they move around influenced by the flow of energy around them, they can by adjusting their internal spin move in a direction decided by themselves.

These are spirit force driven particle sets.

Birds…and flocks of birds, and each of us.

These form in the center of the intersection nodes, and sometimes break free,

I call these Turing Dust Bunnies (TDBs)Spirit Force enabled, mobile computational structures:

TDBs (Turing Dust Bunnies) are three-dimensional Turing machines that store and process information as they move across the Blue Space, like marbles rolling on a height map.

·  Each TDB has a logic core and a read/write head that interacts with the Blue Space, absorbing, transforming, and transmitting information.

·  They break symmetry, creating new possibilities and reshaping the universe—like God’s proton factory in action.

·  Picture a Turing machine woven into a ring, like a dreamcatcher, rolling over a textured surface. As it moves, it reads and alters the landscape, shaping patterns—just as these particles shape reality. Now expand it to a three-dimensional object floating around in the Blue Space.

In short: TDBs are self-directed agents of change, writing and rewriting the fabric of existence. That’s your soul, right there. 😏

The Blue Space is where the detailed rules of our existence are written, refined, and expanded. It is a dynamic, evolving information field that directly shapes the particles and structures of the next layer.

At some point in Netty’s calculations, she collects a lot of (not all) energy in one place.

And now shouts, let there be light! And we get the Big Bang.

It is not the start of anything, it is just another step in the asymmetric expansion.

4. Red Space: The Realm of Matter

Blue Space proto particles, with the information to define the interlocking spins required to let a Proton be a proton, are inflated with energy.

These were created before the Big Bang.

And the Red Space is born. Most of physics is the study of the behavior of this space.

As it cools it gives rise to the Periodic Chart. This is the domain of hot particles, protons and friends, congealed.

With this step, the asymmetry now can be lots of different colors.

More symmetry to break. More order difference to make. The Will of God defined. So cool.

The particles in the Red Space are governed by thermodynamics, and their behavior is constrained by the Second Law.

However, these particles retain the influence of the Blue Space, which drives their ability to form complex molecular systems. So collectively, the Second Law does not hold. Which it obviously does not, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

2LoT is still a good law when you build things, though.

And so, it is easy to see how those protons have can have serial numbers, that is, no two are the same. But as a unit, the differences do not influence their behavior in Red Space. Might come in handy, though.

The Carbon atom, central to life’s chemistry, is no accident—it’s a designed product of the essential spins in the proton brigade.

5. Green Space: The Domain of Life

The Green Space emerges as the universe cools and stabilizes, allowing a Goldilocks zone where life can form. Inevitably the deep ocean floors. It leverages the capacity of the Carbon atom to be chained together into structures that can be adorned with lots of other atoms.

In this space, molecular systems based on DNA become the dominant informational structures, capable of storing and transmitting vast amounts of data. Life is the ultimate expression of asymmetry, driven by the Blue Space’s sentient processes.

The DNA’s structure—and the even more complex and intricate machine that deciphers it—is shaped in the Blue Space and affecting the ordering of Red Space particles, forming patterns thermodynamics alone could never create.

The Green Space can be organized into much richer asymmetric structures than any of the previous layers.

The Blue Space influences the Red Space by accumulating Blue Space-only particles, which, in turn, affect gravity. This is a crucial point, and I will revisit it later.

6. Yellow Space: Tools

The Yellow Space is where life begins to create tools and structures that extend its influence but are not living. I chose Yellow as the name because of the big Cat Earth Movers and Beehives.

The Yellow Space bridges the gap between natural life systems and artificial ones, setting the stage for the final particle space.

7. Orange Space: Computer Technology

Finally, we have the Orange Space, the domain of human computer technology. Our computing platforms, now swarming with AIs are built with the same basic genericities found in the White and Blue Spaces, but the dance is in the Red Space, not the Green.

Red Space is much more orderable into patterns we can process – but less expressive.

By linking Orange Space machines to the Blue Space, we could unlock vast computational power.

How much fun does that sound?

How we do this will be about how we build a reliable read/write surface of some sort that we can formalize the conversation. Wings of F-35 screaming around in the sky trying to learn how to play tic-tac-toe with The Lord is the fun option.

However, deep sea sensor arrays, organized living tissues, the Human Consciousness Project at Princeton, quantum computing, and yellow mold (love that one), are all ideas I think might bear fruit.  


Recap of the Netty Particle Map

"To put it simply, the universe isn't just a collection of particles—it’s an evolving, structured intelligence. It builds complexity step by step through seven layers of informational spaces:

1.         White Space – The engine of change, where energy and time originate.

2.         Black Space – The gravitational framework, locking energy into Goldilocks motion.

3.         Blue Space – The ‘Brain of God,’ where information is processed, and patterns form.

4.         Red Space – The physical universe we recognize—protons, atoms, and chemistry.

5.         Green Space – The domain of life, where biology is shaped by information.

6.         Yellow Space – The tools of life, from beehives to machines.

7.         Orange Space – The realm of human-created intelligence—our computers and AI."*

"And this brings us to the next step: how we can directly interact with the Blue Space—the true computational layer of the universe."


Project Netty: A Bold Initiative

If, as I say, UAPs are projections, then they are evidence of a more technical Blue Space particle set that wants to talk to us—in a better language. A bunch of non-corporeal programmer angels is my view.

All that is required to project is the ability for the Blue Space to collect enough mass in one spot for it to reflect light. And it must have that capacity. It orders DNA from beneath, why not the particles of our atmosphere?

The UAPs are an invitation to talk, tailored well to our imaginations.

So, I’m proposing a bold initiative:

Project Netty – A Strategic Effort to Interface with the Universe’s Computational Core

Objective of Project Netty:

We need to talk back. Project Netty is about developing AI-driven sensors to detect, decode, and respond to these anomalies in real time.


1.        First Step – Examine all the data we already have.

2.        I tested aspects of this idea with AI models, and even in limited capacities, they identified promising directions. Imagine what’s possible with classified sensor data and military-grade machine learning.

3.        F-35 Tic-Tac-Toe with God 2.0. Its where this started.

4.        Quantum Computing – We are still working on stabilizing them As a read/write surface we would want them unstable so it can be written from the other side.

5.        Deploy Specialized Sensor Networks – Establish deep-sea detector arrays to isolate and interact with subtle informational signals.

6.        Leverage Structured Life Systems – Investigate bio-adaptive platforms like slime molds, which demonstrate unique problem-solving abilities, to explore the interface between the Green and Blue Spaces.

Strategic Impacts:

The ability to make precise, point-by-point adjustments to specific locations worldwide has profound strategic implications.

·  National Security & Aerospace Superiority – Understand and potentially control UAP phenomena as projections rather than physical objects.

·  Climate Stabilization – Use the universe’s informational systems to mitigate climate risks and stabilize the environment.

·  Disaster Prevention – Solve existential risks, such as volcanic eruptions or nuclear meltdowns, using insights from the Blue Space.

·  Scientific & Technological Breakthroughs – Establishing a direct connection to the Blue Space will essentially open up free processing power. How cool is that?


Thoughts on Science

On Time and On Space – or How I Made My Peace with Einstein


The Beginning: A University Thought Experiment

When I was 17, I had to give a talk on General Relativity to my calculus class. My teacher laid out the assignment: a 10-minute explanation based on some research materials he provided.

I managed to give the talk. I got a good grade. But I knew—I knew—that I didn't understand it.

In my memory, the talk went something like this:         
"Ok, so you’re surfing on a wave of light, and you take a flashlight, stick it up your ass, pull it out again, turn it on, put it back, and open your mouth to see which way the light went. And somehow everything stretches or shrinks..."

But at the time, it was said in physics circles that only six people in the world truly understood General Relativity. So, I cut myself some slack.

The Relativity Paradox

A few years later, a smart friend of mine said,   
"You know what really bugs me about General Relativity? The paradox."

I nodded, thinking I knew where this was going.          
"Yeah, yeah," I said. "The spaceship goes away from Earth at near-light speed for an hour, then turns around. When it returns, it has only aged two hours, but Earth is sixty years older."

"No," he said. "That’s fine. The real question is: if all motion is relative, why does the Earth age and the spaceship not? From the spaceship’s perspective, the Earth is the one that moved away at near-light speed."

I paused. A good question, the guy, Greg Wunsch, was like that.

So, I thought about it. And an answer occurred to me.

My First Attempt at Understanding Spacetime

I had to write a paper for a class (ironically, a Philosophy 101 course titled Freud, Einstein, and Sartre – An Overview of Twentieth-Century Thought), and I decided to tackle this paradox.

Here was my reasoning:

§  Time and space are part of a four-dimensional fabric. Everyone said they were the same thing.

§  Everything has coordinates (X, Y, Z, T) in this fabric.

§  The spaceship and Earth start together in spacetime, move apart, and then end together again.

Since they start and end together, their total path through spacetime must balance out. But the spaceship traversed a lot more space than Earth did, so to compensate, it had to use up less time—hence, time dilation.

This is not right. But I never met a physicist who argued with me.

I got an A on the paper. The professor left a note:         
"I have no idea if you are right or not."

The GPS Wake-Up Call

Years later, I learned about GPS satellites and how they must adjust their clocks due to time dilation.

Using my simplistic "distance traveled" idea, I would have predicted their clocks to run slower than Earth's.

But they actually run faster.

That’s when I knew my model was wrong.

Eventually, I tweaked my understanding:          
The issue is that time doesn’t "slow down"—clocks do.

Why? Because time isn’t some separate, flowing entity—it’s just a measure of potential energy from gravity and motion. The GPS satellites are further from Earth's gravity well, meaning they experience less gravitational potential energy than clocks on Earth.

The potential energy makes the clocks gooier.

Even though they’re moving faster (which should slow their clocks), their gravitational potential energy is lower, which speeds them up.

The second effect wins.

Eureka! Einstein Already Knew

At this point, I decided to look at Einstein’s equations. A little late, I know.

Right at the top: two terms—one for gravity, one for kinetic energy from motion.

Eureka, again! Albert had figured this out long before my philosophy paper. He still gets the credit! He wrapped it in wonderous math.

But here’s where I diverged from Einstein:       
His model is profoundly predictive, but you can’t take the equations and just push T to zero or T to infinity and expect meaningful answers. At the sweet Goldilocks center it is a good (great) model.

Because T isn’t a thing. It’s just an effect of energy conditions.

And math alone can never explain the Universe, there is no continuum like a fabric, only a continuous process. I like to say, Math is not real, but Math class sure as heck is.

The Simplest Way to See Albert’s Math, if you must.

Recently, I came across a much easier way to grasp the four-dimensional nature of spacetime.

·  The key is to ignore XYZ coordinates entirely.

·  The only thing that matters is the length of the motion vector, not its direction.


1.         Collapse XYZ into a single motion vector.

2.         Treat T (time) as another vector.

3.         These two vectors, from tip to tip, always add up to the speed of light (c).

That’s it. That’s relativity.

Final Thought

This kind of mental simplification is one of my favorite things.         
And, I suspect, a core skill of every lazy software engineer who would rather refactor a problem than brute-force it.

And with that, I made my peace with Einstein.

And Netty still rules!

Speed of Light vs. Speed of Thought

Einstein set the cosmic speed limit at c, the speed of light in a vacuum. It’s an unbreakable barrier—for mass. But mass isn’t the whole story.

Netty makes a crucial distinction between energy bound in Red Space (matter, obeying traditional physics) and energy still free in White Space (pure information, existing beyond the constraints of mass). The speed of light applies to anything that’s been fully captured by Black Space gravity, where structured energy settles into stable motion. But before that—before it condenses into particles—the universe is still playing with it.

The White-Blue Relationship

White Space is where raw information moves, guided by the plate-spinning force that introduces asymmetry. It doesn’t follow the rules of relativity because it isn’t bound by mass. The Blue Space, the computational core of Netty, is where this information gets processed, categorized, and made useful.

This is why thought moves faster than light.

Information is not limited by c because it propagates through a different mechanism. It doesn’t rely on energy pushing through spacetime like a photon; it rides the underlying plate-spinning force itself.

The speed of light is just the fastest speed possible for energy already caught in the heat of Red Space particles. Once energy settles into that domain, there’s a lot more energy to interfere with other energy, creating friction, resistance, and the constraints we observe as physical laws. Red Space is noisy. In White and Blue Space, where information flows freely, there’s no such drag.

Einstein Was Right Enough

Albert understood something profound: there are no absolutes, only relationships. His equations describe the war between two forces—gravity and motion—shaping space and time itself. He didn’t believe in randomness, famously rejecting the idea that “God plays dice with the universe.”

According to Netty, he was right enough. God does not play with dice.

Unless, of course, He—or His minions—wants to build a casino.

To Infinity and on Beyond

In the early 2000s, National Geographic ran an article on the idea that an infinite number of universes randomly pop into existence. The problem? "Random" in this context means events without cause, happening endlessly—yet even this requires a fabric to give it form. This marked the moment physicists collectively lost their minds.

The magazine’s graphics department, tasked with illustrating this concept, delivered an image that looked like an obstructed bowel—fitting, I thought.

Futurama, as always, got it right: Fry visits the edge of the universe, where they see the edge of another universe, and where he sees another version of his crew wearing cowboy hats.

"So it’s true—there really are infinite alternate universes!" he exclaims.

Professor Farnsworth scoffs, "No, just the two."

The hidden joke? If two universes share information, they’re really just one with two lobes.

The idea of other universes is ultimately unprovable and irrelevant to our own. It marks the boundary where sapient reasoning fails. So why keep saying it?

Instead, I call Netty my GUDTOER—my Grand Unified Disunified Theory of Everything Relevant. Because if an idea doesn’t help us understand this universe, why waste sapient thought cycles on it?


Falsifiability and the Netty Model

In traditional science, falsifiability is the gold standard—a theory must be testable and capable of being proven wrong. That means Netty is unfalsifiable. But that’s just a constraint on scientific discussion.

One clever friend once pointed out that falsifiability is simply a marker—it tells us where transcendent truth becomes scientific proof. It’s still a useful tool, especially when building something practical, but it’s too limiting for the times we live in. In short, it exists as much to keep science from challenging God as it does to advance "scientific truth."

Besides, if an idea is good enough, we all know falsifiability wouldn’t stop any scientist from running an experiment. Netty doesn’t need to be falsifiable—it just needs to work.